Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Piano Fingers...

Flashback to August 11th-Today my sister turned 30- who would have known that we could ever be older than twenty something. Right now it is mike's birthday, and i still can't believe that we are grown ups sometimes. I still don't have a present for him, and i still don't know what in the world i am going to buy for him. My lovely husband. The Lord works in the most mysterious ways....everything is crazy, everything is just as it should be.
We finally bought Layla a keyboard! She was soooo excited and I can't help but glow with pride when she plays. She is sooo serious. Sometimes she is so tense it looks like she will break if she gets any more stiff!! But she loves it, and I love that she loves it. I just wish we had done this sooner-she has been asking for so long to learn to play. My baby girl.

Beautiful Piano Fingers!

Who knew she could be so serious!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Feel Bad Movie Of The Year

Okay, I just saw a movie that got super great reviews, seemed like a feel good movie about a couple with problems-but they get through them, right??? Look, I know that all movies can't end sweetly or have wonderful feel good endings- it's not life...but this was just sadistically awful. A mother, fed up with her boring life, so much so to even notice that she has two children-decides that her husband should quit the job he hates to move to paris and become the person he was meant to be. GREAT, until he realizes that maybe he doesn't hate his job so much, and that the trip to Paris is a little unrealistic (or a lot). She feels stuck in a suburban life that they created simply because they got pregnant by mistake, then had another. So, as the plans seem concrete that they will be packing up to Paris, she finds out that she is pregnant....and wants to abort so they can follow through with the original plan to flee a tamed life. Meanwhile, the husband has done a roundabout, and no longer thinks it is responsible to take the family plus one to paris. She goes kind of crazy. Oh, and did I mention that all through this there is non stop chainsmoking, drinking, and adultery. I guess just to give it a little spice you know....so, in the end-she cooks a wonderful breakfast for her husband, sends her children to a friends house, Now, all through the end, the feeling is dark, and you know she is about to do something terrible-and just when you think she is going to take a bottle of pills or something, she goes upstairs and gives herself a home abortion. Then she dies of internal bleeding. ??????? Why would anyone want to watch such a dreary, horrible, hopeless movie????? I kept watching thinking, it has to get better-she has to realize she has two kids- then, you come to the realization that this is real life. Which is totally fine, I know all the crap that goes on out there, we see it everyday in the news, experience it through friends and family. Heartbreaking stories of people who committed suicide, mothers who kill their children, themselves, their husbands. I just don't think it's entertaining to see it. It's a sad story, but if I have enough sad stories of my own!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

All Thanks To Ren-the photographer!

So I finally have some quality updated pictures to post of the kids thanks to my photographer BF Ren. :) These pictures were taken a couple months ago, right before caleb turned 1. Holy cow, time is flying. THANKS REN!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Not to swim.....

Well, I have decided to keep a safe distance from my family and the flesh eating bacteria of the Gulf of Mexico...hmph. I would be a lunatic to hang with on the beach at this point anyway! So myself, Layla, and Caycay are going to hang out here...maybe do some school supplies shopping. Who knows-catch a movie. I do need to get this house together before the school year starts anyway-
All for now, can't think of anything interesting. BTW-i need a new camera. :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Flesh Eating Bacteria- To Swim Or Not To Swim...

I decided to tackle the garage today- ugh, big mistake! There is just way too much to clean and way too little time. I don't remember the last time I went through all of the junk that begins to pile up when you take it out of the house....I don't think that I ever have. Which is why I have so much to do.
Anyhow- Mike is taking Isaiah to Houston this saturday to see an Astros game, he is so excited. I am driving up to Galveston to meet them on Sunday, which I was looking very forward to....that is until my mom called to inform me that there is a flesh eating bacteria called Vibrio. (Gasp-I know, SCARY)! It's the same bacteria that sometimes causes people to get sick after eating raw oysters (barf), but for some reason our stomach can handle the intrusion. It's when the bacteria gets into the bloodstream via co-co that can cause either amputation or even death if not taken care of immediately. Super Duper Scary!!!!! I can't believe there isn't more of an awareness concerning something so...coicoi! I am not so sure I want to be one in the Gulf with the bacteria-especially with kids. Maybe a day at Sea world would be just as nice.... :) Keep you upadated....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Making The Band...(seriously we made them :)

I'm sitting here with my three incredibly talented children watching a home concert. Isaiah is playing guitar on a plastic fly swatter (never used for flies) while layla is vocals on a broken color pencil, and last not least caleb back up dancing while eating pretzels...well side dancing since he's really not backing them up but standing to the side jamming out. Saiah gets crazy on his guitar and slides on his back guitar in hand...whew! Today was a lazy day, but hardly boring! I pray that this week goes by quickly, smoothly. Goodness knows I had a nice start already!