Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Piano Fingers...

Flashback to August 11th-Today my sister turned 30- who would have known that we could ever be older than twenty something. Right now it is mike's birthday, and i still can't believe that we are grown ups sometimes. I still don't have a present for him, and i still don't know what in the world i am going to buy for him. My lovely husband. The Lord works in the most mysterious ways....everything is crazy, everything is just as it should be.
We finally bought Layla a keyboard! She was soooo excited and I can't help but glow with pride when she plays. She is sooo serious. Sometimes she is so tense it looks like she will break if she gets any more stiff!! But she loves it, and I love that she loves it. I just wish we had done this sooner-she has been asking for so long to learn to play. My baby girl.

Beautiful Piano Fingers!

Who knew she could be so serious!

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