Thursday, March 31, 2011

Summer 2010

Netflix is awesome.  I love netflix.  We don't have cable-we haven't had cable for about a two years now.  It hasn't been all that bad-but I love to watch movies.  We get a movie sent to us, we return it, the next movie on our list gets sent....AND there are tons of movies that we can watch online.  We hook up our computer to our flatscreen and voila!  We have movie night-without using the dvd player. 
Anyway-this isn't an advertisement for netflix...i am actually getting to something.
So-of the many online movies there were-last week i decided to watch the movie THIS IS IT.  Yes-Michael Jackson.  Now, although I hadn't listened to MJ in years-I did have a secret love of his music-as a 7 year old I tried his moves- I loved Thriller!  Surprisingly the kids came to the living room from their rooms to listen and watch something they had never seen before...Michael Jackson. 
Isaiah was watching him with eyes wide open-Layla sat down watching quietly.  It was so funny to see that MJ had the same effect on them as he did me when I was their age.  After watching quite a bit of the video-it was time to go outside and play.  So we turned it off and went outside.  (I am trying to stay on a schedule afte all).

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