Thursday, March 31, 2011

Summer 2010

Netflix is awesome.  I love netflix.  We don't have cable-we haven't had cable for about a two years now.  It hasn't been all that bad-but I love to watch movies.  We get a movie sent to us, we return it, the next movie on our list gets sent....AND there are tons of movies that we can watch online.  We hook up our computer to our flatscreen and voila!  We have movie night-without using the dvd player. 
Anyway-this isn't an advertisement for netflix...i am actually getting to something.
So-of the many online movies there were-last week i decided to watch the movie THIS IS IT.  Yes-Michael Jackson.  Now, although I hadn't listened to MJ in years-I did have a secret love of his music-as a 7 year old I tried his moves- I loved Thriller!  Surprisingly the kids came to the living room from their rooms to listen and watch something they had never seen before...Michael Jackson. 
Isaiah was watching him with eyes wide open-Layla sat down watching quietly.  It was so funny to see that MJ had the same effect on them as he did me when I was their age.  After watching quite a bit of the video-it was time to go outside and play.  So we turned it off and went outside.  (I am trying to stay on a schedule afte all).

January 2010???

I stayed home with Caleb last week.  My poor little love was so sick.  I called in-or rather texted in- I didn't take calls-I didn't run errands-I just stayed with him.  I realized I hadn't done that in so long.  Of course if I was incredibly sick it's a given that I couldn't really think about work (it has happened twice this year)- but when the kids are sick I usually haul them to the office with me or take them to run errands for work.  In the 24 hours that I stayed with Caleb- I learned 2 new things about him.  How sad for me. 
First, Caleb knows and understand a lot more than I give him credit for.  This beautiful boy who still doesn't say mama- came up to me holding the pity loly pop I gave him (the kid had puss coming out of his NEEDED a lollypop)!  he handed it to me and said...ew-Gross!!!  I was STUNNED!  What?????  Say it again!  I was so happy...when I looked at the lolly pop it was covered in hair...layla's hair to be precise.  I was so excited....he wasn't- a little agitated at the fact that it took me a few minutes to actua1lly take give him another one because I was too busy celebrating his......first words???  How long had he been saying that? 
Second- He started to feel really terrible which I can tell by his never ending need for me to hold him.  (He loves to run free- eat with a fork, play bball with his brother...he rarely NEEDS me to hold him).  Anyway, I put on Curious George so we could have a nice comfy afternoon.

And all that! (Jasmine)

Isaiah officially has his first crush.  I am borderline oh how cute-bubs girls are gross!  lol.  I am supportive of his choice lol,  she is a cute girl who lives across the street. We were sitting in the car the other day and Isaiah was very happy to inform me that he had gotten two love notes that day in class.  But mom, he said...I only sent one back!  Oh, how proud I am since I am not the mother of a kinder two timer!  hahaha. The other day we decided to make all grandmas a special hello from the kids made out of old valentine cards and cardstock.  Well, Isaiah decided all grandmas could share 1 card while he made his little friend a butterfly out of his cardstock.  On the back it says "i like you" and what I am sure is a cute misspelling of her name.  (JAZMEN)  I don't think I remember my first crush, but I am sure that I wasn't sending love notes in must be a boy thing!  (I mean his dad is Mike, who had his first french kiss in like second grade)!!!!  Seriously right!  Layla is Layla, with a little more...we will call it umph...which is code for major A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E!  We are responding well I suppose....but I am so tired lately!  Caleb is compeletely recovered from bubble boy status.....out and about and carrier of staph-mmhmm.  We have been de-quarantined by Dr.  (I love you mom).  No pictures, unfortunantly, I just can't stand how bad they have been coming out....I really need to get my Nikon fixed!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sassy8 and the Spring Break, Break

Well, it's happened-Layla has turned into a preteen.....2 years before her due date!  We are officially in  unchartered territory, JUST WHEN we were getting our parenting skills down...... BAM!  Who just walked out of that house?????  I have to admit that I am weary, but ready.  We are trying oh so hard to understand the weirdness of loving your parents, but not liking them...yea, do you remember that?  She is out of the "I hate you" stage, but now her new line sounds like my old line-why don't you listen to me?!  Poor Layla, she is trying to discipline us-sorry baby girl, it's our turn!  Her birthday party was a score, all the girls had so much fun.  I was so tired by the end of the night....I actually fell asleep before they did! Our schedule was pretty intense....bracelets, games, eat food, eat very messy cupcakes, make pillows, 1am chocolate covered strawberries, 10am breakfast-you know the usual!  I am grateful that the girls weren't bored, and even more grateful that 12 noon was a perfect time for pickup!!!  GREAT!
Layla was happy....that is of course till we made her  Then all the cupcakes, bracelets, homemade strawberry pillows couldn't shield us from the wrath of Layla...pray for us!  ;)
Unfortuantly, I had to work for most of spring break, so the kids spring break really took place @ home.  We finally took a break from the Romo usual and went to a park that is TOTALLY NOT IN OUR NEIBORHOOD!    I was so nervous...100% sure that they had a guard asking for Proof of Mortgage!  It was a really great park, the kids had such a great time....and white mama really enjoyed the shade!  I am so feeling my know your getting old when just watching a kid spin on a swing makes you want to hurl....seriously-I had to sit down!!!  (I blame morning gives me that same feeling)!

The Girls Start The Party By Getting Dolled UP!

Addisons Sparkling cupcake

Sai didn't get a cupcake......poor bubs!!!

Super model Divas!  The Night was mean girls allowed!

Morning Beauties

Yes-they colored  their own frosting, yes it was messy, yes it was GOOD!

Aww, Caleb..... <3

and Caleb.... <3

My Bubs..  <3

He sparkles!

Bubs and KK-love, love, love them!

The Bunch

ugggg....wanna barf!  Can't even look at his pic!