Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter Wonderland....err San Antonio style!

Michael's Snowman....the kids were AMAZED!!!  :) 

We woke up to a white street and white sidewalks-unfortunantly I am still feeling extremely sick so the kids had to wait till Mike got up to take them out to make miniature sized snowmen.  haha.  Isaiah wanted to make snow angels...which would have been more like mud angels!!!!  Layla was so excited to see snow-it was her first here is the picture-its already 10am-most of the snow has already melted away into slush-the only snow is really from the dirty cars and the sidewalks.  Layla said Mom-have you ever seen so much snow!!!  :)  My sweet little san antonio girl!  This will most likely be like my 1985 for them...hopefully not but probably.  The kids are in the back playing in the cold weather-brrrrr.  I forget that when you are a kid cold doesn't matter...My little babies-maybe we can go on a vacation one year where they can see actual snow and not just a snow sheet on the ground!  :)  It's too cold for me and my respritory infection so my lovely hubby is outside taking picutres of the kids for me while I watch from the window.  aahh.  You have to love living in a city that shuts down for so little ice and snow.  Seriously though...we do need to look into haveing back up tires for times like this....there were like 500 accidents last night.

1 comment:

  1. O.M.G. I can not believe Mike was able to build a snowman! How big was it? That is so cute what Layla said! We got snow here, like 7 inches, but it is like almost zero with the wind chill. Crazy Texas weather, LOL.
