Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dreams of Summer...

I think I may have been milk drunk on that last post!!!  LOL.  :)  Well, there has definantly been some changes-things out of our control that will effect My wonderful hubby for a while.  I am happy to report that Our grandpa Rodriguez (who was diagnosed with cancer last month) is very well and quite possibly cancer free after surgery.   But with wonderful news comes sad news that I cannot elaborate on except for God is working on our family.  Yet again I have feelings come back-but I am not angry-just disappointed. 
On a lighter subject, Mike and I purchased our second Couch Set for our living room.  (The first broke-how does that happen)?  Anyhow-I am impressed with the speed of the delivery.  The couch-which is actually a sectional-arrived today at 10:30am-while I was at work.  I inspected them found a seam  that was coming undone and called the customer service number.  i am getting a replacement on the 2nd for that part of the sectional....pretty amazingly simple.  I am still surprised and happy with how easy it was!!!!  First they said that they would send a "TECHNICIAN" but after a one sentence argument-they said they would just send a new one.  WOW.  lol.
I hope that i can play with my camera this weeken-I love Easter.  Everyone in white and pastels-so beautiful!  I still need to buy the boys Easter outfits which is most likely going to be just a polo and khaki shorts.  :)  and cute little boy sandals. 
The kids have been playing outside so much-i don't even mind the dirt they track in RIGHT after I mop!  haha.  I noticed that there are only like 40 days of school.  I am so excited.  My angels are going to get so dark-tball, swimming, more tball-maybe some Sea World.  ;0)  Maybe some Ren, Piper, and Charly at Sea World....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Something in the wind this way blows....

Layla is seven....im 28-soon to be 29.  Isaiah is 5, Caleb will be 2 in June.  That is a lot of time-of which i have no idea how i have spent it.  Today is Friday...Tomorrow Saturday.  We have a crazy schedule, we have a crazy house.  lol.  I have the incredible blessing of knowing my husband, being in love with him-being his wife.  Chaotic is the way I would describe our schedule-I am feeling so many conflicting feelings right now.  I don't like the Chaos-and I know that God didn't intend it to be this way.  I am eager to get started on a book we will be reading as a Church.  Making Room For Life-Trading Chaotic Lifestyles for Connected Relationships.  I just want a permanent change within me to take place.  I know it's not going to happen through a book- but maybe it can give me a little insight to what this is.  It's not just chaos around me-I am chaos.  I want to be more in line with my Heavenly Father-I want to be the example I am supposed to be-and I want to be healthy inside so I can be healthy outside.  I know it can happen in the Name of Jesus.  He has changed so much already-
So-here it is-my to do list.  Things that need to change.
I don't need a spic and span house-just clean house. 
Get healthy- I have been avoiding this for years-it's -in the words of Josefina the Wise- OUT OF CONTROL!
I need to be at peace with the past, let it go.  I don't have to forget-I just need to move on.
I need to control my YELLING!!!! 
Im ok-im not sad, depressed-I am actually quite happy with things right now-but there are just these areas that i can't quite grab a hold of.  All in good time.  I feel I am going to change...rather than I need to.  Does that make any sense?  Anyway-I am ranting now.  Good night, good night.  My love will be home soon.  Family time awaits...and a four mile walk!  : )


I did not realize until a few minutes ago as I was choosing the photos to upload that Layla had 3 birthday "parties'.  On the actual day of her birthday which happened to be a friday-right after school she was taken by her Auntie Ruby to eat.  She came home to family (my mom, my sister and ADDIE), presents, and a strawberry cake.  I had so many plans for her that day-but I didn't get to them-surprise surprise if you know me!!  lol.

Layla Nicole is 7 years old.  I can hardly believe it.  A week after Layla was born Mike and I had a conversation about how hard it was to believe that someday she would be 7 years old.  All too soon-here she is-seven and growing. 

I can't think of a time she wasn't such a picture ham.  Layla the diva....

The next evening we went to a Sweet 15 Party for Layla's cousin.  She got to choose the dress she was going to wear and decided to wear her brand new tiara with it.  Her Grandma Romo bought her a cake and we sang happy birthday to her there also.....lol.
Layla had so much fun-she danced so much....she gets her moves from me...

Caleb followed in her lead...what can I say-the groove runs in the blood!

Sai danced with a 15 year old princess named Amy...what a little heart breaker!

We had decided to have a birthday party for Layla, but due to rain, mud, and cold weather we had to cancel the shindig.  We still had family come for the cupcakes and birthday song....besides-Layla was having a sleepover later that night....yes, another party!!!!

Caleb and Grandma Sally.

Now for the sleepover Layla invited a her cousing Addison, a friend from school, a friend from Tball, a friend from when she was younger, and her BF Charly.  ;0)  The girls had a blast-but I have to say....Piper stole the show!!!  Just look at the pictures-can you tell who she is????  Before everyone left they were gushing about how adorable Piper was-even Mike!!!  We love you Piper!!!! 

side note:  Notice the totally adorable tutus that my amazing BF Renee showed us how to make.  What would I have done without you there Ren????  i wish i could zap you here...often!!


The mamcita linda...baby princess...nanacita Addison.

Girls Just Want To Have Fun...and Pipers gonna show them how!!!

My sister Emerald Irene Villarreal is engaged.  My babysister...all growed up.  :)