Saturday, September 5, 2009

Living With Some Major Talent!

We had such a great day last weekend. (sunday to be exact). I have a confession to make- up until about a week ago I hated to go to our backyard. It's been so hot and the yard looked more like a room that hadn't been cleaned in a really long time. I really just hated to look outside. I had already forgotten that the yard was one of the main reasons I chose this house in the first place. It used to be so beautiful...until we moved in! So-I decided to try my hand at mowing and actually enjoyed it. It was hot, but nice. Anyway, so we all were outside just playing-layla soccer *which is odd cause she hates it* and Sai, Mike and Caleb were playing catch. I was walking around taking millions of pictures, and actually got some decent shots. Caleb amazes me-I can't believe how good he is at sports, it really blows my mind. He loves to be involved with every minute-which isn't possible of course, but he didn't throw a tantrum or cry-he just resorted to playing on his own for a few minutes when dad and sai were throwing the "fast" balls. Sai has gotten so good at catching the ball. Layla was just running around kicking the soccer ball in her Sunday dress and red cleats-I couldn't have chosen a more perfect outfit. I am so blessed. Life is so wonderful amongst all the chaos. oh and I love not having cable...

Caleb resorts to throwing the ball to himself....aaawww!

How beautiful can a BOY be????

Isaiah's Action Shot Available for Autographs!

Triple Threat! Beauty, Brains, and Sports.

We just can't stop him-he loves the game!

He's mad, he just wants someone to throw the ball to him!!

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