Monday, September 21, 2009

Layla will surely Lap me....

It was a long day.  Nothing more can be said of that-
Layla and Isaiah had soccer practice again today, and yes...many apologies Steven but the Nikon stayed safely at home...for now.  I am going to get my read on tomorrow so I can at least get off the auto photographs I have been taking.  :)  I did get some really good shots of last sundays game, which I may add-sai helped win by making 1 goal.  He was so excited-mainly because I bribed him with MandM's.  :)  BTW Sai has a new best friend...or this is his first best friend!!  I love that Sai has finally found a friend that is so much like him.  we love to watch them play...but I can't post pics until I ask for permission of course!  It's so nice to be able to sit down and let kids play-especially when they  get along so well.  I love the fact that I don't have to play referee during playtime.  We love you Juan!  :)
As for Layla, well lets just say we really miss Charly!  (SERIOUSLY). 
So, Layla has a marathon to run, (in a couple months)-so I have some serious conditioning to do!!!  So I am on the lookout for a jogging stroller for my little love Caleb...he is going to have so much fun!  Hopefully I don't go kaput on my first and only lap...hahahaha.  Don't claim it, don't speak it, think positive, speak positive words-pray for me!!!!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. What a full post! OK first off, don't rush yourself into manual mode. It will take time to be comfortable in manual. You could try stepping it up by going maybe to the modes where you only manually control one thing, like for example the f-stop or shutter speed and then the camera figures out everything to go with it. Second, please ask about posting the pics because I am dying to see them(although if you post them anyways I wont tell *wink*)! It is so exciting to know that Isaiah has a BFF! So Layla is running a marathon? Am I right to assume it's not a 20 something mile long one? LOL it sounds like fun, except for the whole parents running with the kids part.
