Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ay, yi, yi!!  I still have yet to ask for permission (sorry Ren)-but I most definantly will tomorrow.  PROMISE!  I am happy to report that I have been working on my temper, my yelling and *gasp* yes- my lateness.   <-----not sure if that is a word.  YES RENEE-IM WORKING ON IT-But I am not promising any miracles as of yet...hahahaha.  I have been trying to make sure that I am at least 5 minutes early...including Sai's soccer practice, Sai's games, and omagoodness-even paries/functions.  I am praying like the dickens every time layla gets her mama's attitude, and overlooking the things people do to make me mad...which is surprisingly working very well.    I know that at any moment I can fall off the bandwagon, but thus far I am good.  PRAY FOR ME!!!  When you think you are having a wonderful morning full of love and kisses-think of me cause chances are I am NOT!  lol.  I really don't know what has been coming over Layla-she is just impossible in the morning.  If she wakes up in a bad mood and she went to bed late - it's cause she's tired/ if she wakes up in a bad mood and she went to bed early- it's cause she slept too much!  WE CAN'T WIN!  :)  I hope you all had a great day-Hope tomorrow is better. 


  1. Oh Sally, you crack me up! Im super excited about the whole being on time thing *wink* You are being a great example to me, lately I have wanted to just throw the towel in on putting on my happy face. Good for you for reminding me what the greater purpose is! ((hugs))

  2. You were an example first my dear, you are my light. My Jiminy Cricket so to speak. Thank God we are friends, I needed your good nature and Faith to rub off on me. ;)
