Sunday, October 18, 2009

Adding, Straight A's, and Puchero Faces

These past few weeks have been...interesting.  We have caught and passed around a few sicknesses within our little familia.  First Isaiah had a cough and fever...then a few days later layla got it, then I got it, then Mike got it, then poor little Caleb got it.  Then, in not the same order we caught and passed around a stomach bug.  Poor Layla got it the seven days of excused absenses later-I am a little weary to say we are all healthy...for now.  No, we HAVE to be since MY BFF & Layla's BFF is coming into town.  We didn't get to see them last time since we were sick...mmhmm.  We are going to carry around hand sanitizer in every bag and pocket.
Isaiah has been in Pre-K for about 5-6 weeks now and I am proud to say he has been writing his numbers AND letters.  Now of course he doesn't know them perfectly but it is just so amazing that in these past few weeks he has learned what I struggled to teach him these past few years.  I am a firm believer now that every child has thier own time.  He is unbelievable.  He has even grasped the understanding of simple mathematics.  I can't believe it!  He can add any number 1-10.  I am so impressed by him!
We got Layla's progress report a couple weeks ago and I am so relieved to see she only got her folder signed once....YES ONCE!   For all the attitude I get in the morning you have to understand what a wonderful accomplishment that is!  We are so happy!  Right now Layla is an astoundingly awsome reader and straight A student!  And Caleb is so happy, funny, silly.  He has learned that making pouting "puchero" faces gets him a ticket to hugs and kisses and a free pass from any "NO SIR"s or "I SAID NO" 
His only word is Mama (which I am happy with) but we are trying to get him to say easy things like Hi and Bye.  *sigh*  He loves soccer now and still plays catch with his baseball glove, but sometimes plays soccer with a baseball-ball.  :)  Too Cute!

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