Sunday, October 25, 2009

1st place, one loss...

Alright, we were undefeated for the entire soccer season until today. We lost to a team that we have beat TWICE! (They are 6 and 7 year olds). We still won 1st place in our zone, but the kids were so upest- at least now they will appreciate winning even more when we go to City. :) Isaiah made two of our three goals (second one assisted by the amazing Sara). The kids played great, they were just outplayed today.

It was Michaels great grandma's 95th birthday. (great, great grandma to my kids). So we went over to visit and get some pictures of the kids with her. It was nice to see her, we really need to get over there more often. I still have yet to buy the kids halloween costumes. Isaiah wants to be buzz lightyear...his best friend is going to be woody! It's going to be so cute! I don't know what Layla is going to be yet...but Calebs costume is going to be homemade for sure! Maybe a puppy, lamb, something cute and easy.

Last night we had a Wedding Reception at the bingo hall so I am so tired! I am going to let the pictures do the rest of the talking.....

Juan, Isaiah, and Miguel show off their medals.

This is Julian, Juan baby brother.  Isn't he a cutie!

Future buds, not very interested in each other yet....

Juan, Isaiah, and Miguel with the first place trophy.

Caleb-cutest kid ever!

Bad Mood?? 

That's better!

6 years old-working the Blackberry!

Team Huddle!

Chillin at the game...Caleb and Julian

Look at sai's face!!  First loss of the season!

Great, Great Grandma, Layla, and Sai.

Great Grandma Maryann and the kiddos. 

Layla gave her grandma a "diamond rock".  What a beautiful Picture!!

1 comment:

  1. Girl I'm thinking you should put some of these photos on the CD, they are great!
