Sunday, October 25, 2009

1st place, one loss...

Alright, we were undefeated for the entire soccer season until today. We lost to a team that we have beat TWICE! (They are 6 and 7 year olds). We still won 1st place in our zone, but the kids were so upest- at least now they will appreciate winning even more when we go to City. :) Isaiah made two of our three goals (second one assisted by the amazing Sara). The kids played great, they were just outplayed today.

It was Michaels great grandma's 95th birthday. (great, great grandma to my kids). So we went over to visit and get some pictures of the kids with her. It was nice to see her, we really need to get over there more often. I still have yet to buy the kids halloween costumes. Isaiah wants to be buzz lightyear...his best friend is going to be woody! It's going to be so cute! I don't know what Layla is going to be yet...but Calebs costume is going to be homemade for sure! Maybe a puppy, lamb, something cute and easy.

Last night we had a Wedding Reception at the bingo hall so I am so tired! I am going to let the pictures do the rest of the talking.....

Juan, Isaiah, and Miguel show off their medals.

This is Julian, Juan baby brother.  Isn't he a cutie!

Future buds, not very interested in each other yet....

Juan, Isaiah, and Miguel with the first place trophy.

Caleb-cutest kid ever!

Bad Mood?? 

That's better!

6 years old-working the Blackberry!

Team Huddle!

Chillin at the game...Caleb and Julian

Look at sai's face!!  First loss of the season!

Great, Great Grandma, Layla, and Sai.

Great Grandma Maryann and the kiddos. 

Layla gave her grandma a "diamond rock".  What a beautiful Picture!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Old Friends-

Hi Uncle Steven!!

Renee is finally here!!!  She was supposed to do our team pictures (yes she is a fabulous photographer ) yesterday but aww, unfortunantly it rained...oh so sad...NOT!  :)  It turned out to be our night!  THANK YOU MY LOVE!  Renee and I had the theatre all to ourselves to see WHIP IT!  It got me in the mood for some jam skating...hahaha.  So anyone who wants to join us..lemmeknow! Steven-jam skating is getting DOWN while rolling on eight wheels..oh yea!  ;)   We should have taken you to try it-we will bring some skates to China!  (so get married soon)!
I have found another old friend from high school-for those of you who were there you remember him as the "brazillian guy".  Who knew he would be on classmates!  :)  After many facebook and myspace attempts to find him I finally did...yay!  Oi Gabriel!  I love the internet!
 Layla was sick this week with uh-oh dun, dun, dun....swine flu.  Fortunantly I think Isaiah already had it-which is probably where Layla got it.  Just to let you know...if you were tested and it came back negative..the tests are only 70% accurate.  She is totally fine already!  THANK GOD.  I was worried at first but realized that she probably had it for at least a week before she was diagnosed...(throwing up, fever, body aches, headache).  Isaiah had the whole nine yards...throwing up, fever, cough, congestion,.  But he did really well.  I am so happy this is the end...right?  Just in time for Renee-what a stink bomb!  Hopefully by next week we will be completely healthy.  Layla misses charly.  :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Yesterday after Isaiah's soccer game we went with Josefina, Juan, and Julian to Mc Donalds (we almost went crazy), then to HEB, and back home with pumpkins and supplies to draw with. Each of the kids drew a face, or in Isaiah's and Juan's case drew a few faces on thier pumpkins.
We ended up going to Sea World with my nephews and brother in Law felix, but unfortunantly we didn't get any pics. The shamu show was awesome. I was so happy we had finally gotten around to taking the kids to see a show during halloween. We have had passes the past four years and have not taken them once to sea world or the zoo for Halloween or the Holidays. (I know...seriously, right)? :) We are going again today, but Isaiah is a little spooked by the characters at sea world. He says he is a "scared cat" We know what he means-and yes he is!

Isaiah showing off his pearly whites and amazing pumpkin!

This is Juan!  Isaiah's Best Friend!  Isn't he soooo cute!

Layla's Pumkin-Red Lips, Red Hair.  Eyelashes. 

Little Beauty Queen!  :)

Baby Mozart!

Juan @ the Zoo-finally asked permission!!!

                                                   Isaiah and Juan

Adding, Straight A's, and Puchero Faces

These past few weeks have been...interesting.  We have caught and passed around a few sicknesses within our little familia.  First Isaiah had a cough and fever...then a few days later layla got it, then I got it, then Mike got it, then poor little Caleb got it.  Then, in not the same order we caught and passed around a stomach bug.  Poor Layla got it the seven days of excused absenses later-I am a little weary to say we are all healthy...for now.  No, we HAVE to be since MY BFF & Layla's BFF is coming into town.  We didn't get to see them last time since we were sick...mmhmm.  We are going to carry around hand sanitizer in every bag and pocket.
Isaiah has been in Pre-K for about 5-6 weeks now and I am proud to say he has been writing his numbers AND letters.  Now of course he doesn't know them perfectly but it is just so amazing that in these past few weeks he has learned what I struggled to teach him these past few years.  I am a firm believer now that every child has thier own time.  He is unbelievable.  He has even grasped the understanding of simple mathematics.  I can't believe it!  He can add any number 1-10.  I am so impressed by him!
We got Layla's progress report a couple weeks ago and I am so relieved to see she only got her folder signed once....YES ONCE!   For all the attitude I get in the morning you have to understand what a wonderful accomplishment that is!  We are so happy!  Right now Layla is an astoundingly awsome reader and straight A student!  And Caleb is so happy, funny, silly.  He has learned that making pouting "puchero" faces gets him a ticket to hugs and kisses and a free pass from any "NO SIR"s or "I SAID NO" 
His only word is Mama (which I am happy with) but we are trying to get him to say easy things like Hi and Bye.  *sigh*  He loves soccer now and still plays catch with his baseball glove, but sometimes plays soccer with a baseball-ball.  :)  Too Cute!