Tuesday, April 6, 2010


My sister Crystal is having a baby boy, my best friend just found out she is going to have new baby by the end of this year.  I am just waiting for the third person to tell me they are awaiting a prince or princess....
I am in deep thought-and prayer.  An old feeling is coming over me, and I don't know what to think of it.  I have accepted that I will not carry another child in my womb...lol.  Is that dramatic enough?  But really-I have accpeted it, and I know that it is the right thing...haven't I?  You see, it's not really the baby at the end that I am longing for at this moment, but feeling that movement, that little flutter that grows into pushes and kicks.  I want to be pregnant.  Which is the strangest feeling, because I am so happy with my little family, very busy with my little family-and I know that I am finished...but maybe a better word is I miss it-and i know i will never feel that again.  I look back and wish that I had documted my pregnancies better-with video as well as pictures.  I suppose I will just have to live through Crystal and Renee.  ;0)

Monday, April 5, 2010

He is Risen-What A Beautiful Day!

Wasn't it a beautiful day yesterday?  We started the day out with Praise and Worship at our wonderful church followed by an awesome message by our Minister Randy Frazee.  :)  The music was amazing-the praise was amazing-the church was packed.  On our way home I remembered that I needed to go to the store to buy a couple last minute things-and to my surprise there were quite a few stores closed...including HEB!  I was so happy-with all the hoopla and nonsense that happens around Christmas time- (calling CHRISTmas Trees Holiday Trees-Calling CHRISTmas sales holiday sales-and other nonsense that retailers change so as to not offend non-believers) that on this wonderful and Holy day for all Christians-many retailers took the opportunity to honor the day as well.  Although I have to admit I am part of the Walmart problem-and I almost alway do things last minute-especially holidays.  Sorry walmart employees-really I am. 

I didn't get to play much with my camera settings, but I did get some good point and shoot pics of the kids and family.  :)  What a great day.

Addie, Her Amazing Hair, Her beautiful smile, and a bucket full of eggs.

My Princess, Posing as always. 

Caleb, always happy to take a picture!

Isaiah's New clothes didn't last ver long....so Mike brought him this Jersey.  sigh...lol.

My Loves.   Isaiah, Caleb, Layla, and Addison.

Addison running to find eggs...

Caleb's totally not new, no match outfit and beautiful eyes.

There aren't any eggs in the moonbounce caleb-sorry!

Ruby pretending to be shy.  :)

Layla writing I love you grandpa to Mr. Falcon.  (Steve's Dad).  awww!

Addison and her eggs!  She had such a good time!

At Grandpa Rodriguez's house.  The kids had a blast!

The Original Romos.  :)

Romos extended Edition.

Caleb and Addison play with her Easter Puzzle.

Easter 2010 Rodriguez/Romo and other last names I am not sure of.  :)

The night before easter-caleb plays friend with Chris.  : ) 

Although we did have a 30 minute mini tantrum from our favorite daughter-the day was extremely pleasant-and easy.  I know the pictures are out of order-but I had to put the cutest ones first.  :)  So-back to the grind.  Thank family-extended and immediate for spending a great day with us.  :)  God Bless You All.