I am loving being home...only when we are here it tends to get really...MESSY.
Caleb is sitting on the table getting a hold of the Cheese Puffs I bought for the kids last weekend-
I can hear Isaiah sneaking cookies from the fridge-
and Layla is jumping on her bed. *sigh* I just love that we are all here-I feel calm-however messy my house may be. :)
*the previous photos are reinactments of actual events.
Caleb and His Best Friend Julian.
Isaiah's Best Friend Juan Having Fun After A Win
NUMMMMMBBER 23! Michael Jord--er Isaiah Michael!
Julian and Daddy!
My favorite-it's so rare that this little diva isn't posing...
My Flash Scared beautiful Maiah!! Sorry Baby Girl!
AND I need to stop forgetting my camera! But thanks to my wonderful Uncle Randy and Aunt Monica who came to Isaiah's games and took pics for us. They are so awesome!!!
Here is to anothe start to my bloggin....hello world! I can only promise to TRY to keep up-life is pretty crazy sometimes-but I will try. :)