Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holy Bologna!!! Ten Years too Soon!

Last night Mike and I attended our ten year high school reunion. 
Ok-Me and my Most Best Friend Renee the incredible finally got our super mellow hubs to chat amongst themselves!!!!  It only took say...7 years and a few months to break the ice...CRACK!!!  lol.  We were so happy....but I have no proof-so you are just going to have to believe me.  I love my love-he had a great time even though he originally didn't care to go.  We saw old friends...well we went with them...but we did see people that we were very happy to see again!
We ended the night at a club that I will never go to again...but it was all good-I didn't know I could scrub the ground anymore-
But really...there were some scrubbers-we had a good time.  I missed the kids...and I think instead of a "mixer"-we should of had something where we could take our little loves...I would have totally been up for that! 
I have to say something about my amazing Sunday-
I woke up tired-(we didn't get home till 3:30am)-but the kids were at my moms and we had to hurry so we could go to Church with them.  I was so worried we were going to be late-but we made it 15 minutes early-TYJ!
We walked into service and Michael Boggs was leading worship- praising God with his awesome voice and guitar.   It was amazing-everyone was singing-You could just feel the Holy Spirit moving through the entire worship/sermon.  I am reminded and humbled-I own nothing.  I have what I have through God's amazing Grace-I don't deserve it and He loves me still.  I realize how lost I am in my week when I miss a Sunday.   I am so excited for this Christmas-I am replenished. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving, Christmas Soon

So Thanksgiving came and went-it was great.  So this blog is just going to give a list of a few things that I am THANKFUL for... beginning with my most wonderful Parents.  For the first Thanksgiving in my 28 years, I am Thankful, Grateful, Blessed to have the most wonderful gift of enjoying the company of all my parents for this Thanksgiving meal.  My mom, my dad, and my stepmom Elva gave me and my sister Crystal a wonderful gift this year-A complete family for Thanksgiving.  I LOVE YOU MOM, DAD, AND ELVA!  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
I am Thankful and GRATEFUL to my incredible Aunt Monica who hosted Thanksgiving at her home-(that includes you too, Uncle Randy)!  My Aunt and Uncle allowed 30+ extended family into their home to enjoy a delicous Holiday included-(I know, I was worried-aren't they AWESOME)!
I am Thankful to the most understanding husband on Earth, Solar System, Universe!  I really don't think anyone else could put up with me!  :)
I am Grateful, and thank God for the opportunity to parent some of the most beautiful, crazy, fussy, wonderfully loving kids ever.....ever....ever. 
I have sisters that support me, listen to me, and help me keep my sanity in line-
I have a Best Friend that know me better than my husband...haha.
God has given me so much love, so much to be Thankful for...there is not enough time for me to list them all....

So Christmas is coming soon...I have so many pictures to post-I will get some more on here later...  :)