Thursday, July 30, 2009

I have promised myself from here on out for the next year-to take at least one picture a day of the kids, although i may not post them all, I am also going to try to update this blog once a day, even if it's a line to say hello and thank you for caring....
Layla has been in piano lessons for about a month now, so I gues it's time to go finally buy her a keyboard. I am a little worried about the boys getting to it, but I hope Isaiah will take an interest so he can start piano lessons too. (Wouldn't mike love that)!!!! She is so excited every monday to go to her lesson, so I am excited for her- I love that she loves music so much. Sai is still in Tball which he absolutely loves. And to my surprise he has improved incredibly this being his first season and all. Caleb watches Mike and Sai play catch and has caught the tball bug as well. I mean, he has been playing "catch" for about six months now (throwing to us, getting the ball rolled back to him), but for the last couple months he has been picking up random objects and using it as a bat. I mean EVERYTHING is a bat to the kid right down to a water bottle, sandal, anything he can get a grip on. He has also started fighting with Isaiah over Sai's catching glove, so we really need to go get him one. The other night he wouldn't let mike take it off his hand so he fell alseep with the glove on one hand and his sippy cup in the other! hahaha. He is such a boy it's hilarious. Well, we are going to sit down together and watch "PUSH". Hope it's worth the time. Ta-

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Here we are...

Our First Blog- Michael says blogging already sucks cause it's taken us twenty minutes to get this far!!! :) We couldn't think of a name and it was so simple after all. I am just happy to get him to sit long enough with me to finally get this thing started! The kids have yet to fall alseep-it's almost eleven and my children are still jumping on their beds, but I have no motivation to get up and make them stop. So here we are, at least something that we can attempt to keep updated to show that we are here and alive. So thank you Ren! ;)